photo credit: The Cut
Hill Girl, let's talk. Congrats on doing well in the Pennsylvania primary, I'm proud of you. But, may I ask who is dressing you? Aw bless their little heart, they just don't know. This turquoise blazer is hitting you at the widest part of your hips. Albeit, you are wearing slimming black slacks (yes, they're slacks, clearly not just pants.) Not only is your jacket cut all wrong and looking slightly cheap, you had to go and put that matching necklace with it. I think we decided jewelry no longer has to match the outfit back in like, '98. Granted, you weren't concerned about matching jewelry at the time, but your wardrobe consultant should bring you up to speed. Good Talk, Hill.
Oh, and if you just so happen to win, how about we forget this talk ever happened, okay? I mean who am I to tell you what to wear, most powerful woman in the world?
I thought the same thing about her jewelry when I saw this photo- - too matchy,matchy !
Apple doesn't fall to far from the tree. ( guess who )
The President's wardrobe is brought to you by:
Fashion Bug
HAHAH fashion bug and cato.
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